Final address of PM Modi to 17th Lok Sabha

Election is not far, it is pride of our democracy : PM Modi's last address to 17th Lok Sabha

PM Modi at 17th Lok Sabha
In his final address to the 17th Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed profound gratitude for the collective efforts that brought about significant reforms and transformations over the past five years. Emphasizing the overarching theme of 'reform, perform, and transform,' PM Modi commended the resilience and adaptability of the Lok Sabha amidst the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Journey of Reform and Resilience

PM Modi took a nostalgic journey through the corridors of time, acknowledging the historic decisions taken during the term of the 17th Lok Sabha. He highlighted the momentous abrogation of Article 370, a longstanding issue that had evoked fervent debates and aspirations across generations. Additionally, PM Modi underscored the passage of the triple talaq bill as a landmark step towards gender justice and empowerment. These decisions, he remarked, not only reflect a commitment to upholding constitutional values but also signify a bold stride towards a more inclusive and equitable society.
Furthermore, PM Modi reiterated the government's unwavering commitment to the principle of minimum government and maximum governance. He emphasized the need for a governance model that empowers citizens and fosters trust, thereby ensuring greater efficiency and accountability in the administration.
PM Modi said that the new Parliament building started its journey with the women's reservation bill.

Looking Ahead: Towards a 'Vikshit Bharat'

As the 17th Lok Sabha draws to a close, PM Modi painted a compelling vision for the future, envisioning India as a 'Vikshit Bharat' (developed India) in the next 25 years. He delineated a roadmap for progress that encompasses economic prosperity, social cohesion, and technological innovation. With an unwavering focus on leveraging India's demographic dividend and harnessing the potential of emerging sectors, PM Modi articulated a vision of inclusive growth that leaves no citizen behind. 
Moreover, PM Modi underscored the pivotal role of political aspirations and national dreams in shaping the destiny of the nation. He urged the electorate to embrace the democratic process with enthusiasm and vigor, portraying elections not merely as a political event but as a celebration of the collective will and aspirations of the people. In doing so, PM Modi reaffirmed the essence of democracy as a beacon of hope and progress, fostering unity amidst diversity and providing a platform for inclusive participation. 
Throughout his address, PM Modi's words resonated with a sense of optimism and determination, encapsulating a narrative of resilience, reform, and visionary leadership. As India stands at the threshold of a new era, guided by the principles of democracy and development, the echoes of PM Modi's vision reverberate with hope and promise for a brighter tomorrow.

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